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A member registered Oct 09, 2018

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Can it be dark style fantasy since the word fantacy has many meanings

And yes picture is empty far as I know you screen shot ya map for lightning etc using show picture

You record a video then convert it in vlc to a format as for the variables was just wondering if I could track xy coordinates etc

Is show picture allowed since it's part of the engine? Also are variables allowed movie cutscenes etc since all are part of rpgmaker?


was wondering i sumited my game but not showing in was wondering is it a website glitch

when i submitt game how does it eork to i need to put in a compressed folder when i hit submitt

Jusy finished thr game and was checking how the submit button works this is my first gsme jam so wondering

are you allowed to make your own items as long as there rtp images also can the game be any genre as long as its the theme pg23 and no blood and gore

was wondering what the lenth of the game needed to be

also how long does the game need to be wasnt mentioned or i missed it

are title screen graphics to be rtp to was just checking